Sunday 21 August 2011

Chapter 2: Slash's best man

Well today turned out better for us :P We actually managed to get to LA and SF :D Cheering. Course there were still hiccups. Why wouldn't there be???

The flight to Sydney = uneventful. The flight to LA = long and boring and struggletown with the sleeping. Upside, the cabin was blue while we were sleeping, and then as 'dawn broke' it turned purple, pink and orange :D The flight to SF = trying. Customs took forever to process us, and it didn't help we picked the slowest line. Then we had to walk a billion miles to get to terminal 7, where our airline was. Then the system didn't actually recognise we had a booking. Then the line for security was massive - had to take off our shoes (everyone does), and nearly lost Brooke in a giant silver box of supersonic terrorist detection o.O

BUT THEN, the guy sitting window-side next to Brooke was an absolute legend, chatting away to us about the places to go, things to do, what not to do, and how he was having plane dramas of his own...trying to get to Ibiza that day to be a best man at Slash's wedding vowel renewal ceremony. Lol. Kinda hilarious.


Kinda marvellous. Though we're both so exhausted from the stress of the past two days that all we're really doing is keeping low in the hostel, recuperating and the like, in order to make sure tomorrow is packed full of all the stuff we were trying to fit into our three planned days before the planes stuffed us round...

So yeah. Though saying that, we did wander down to Union Square and check out the Disney shop, Macy's, Betsey Johnson and the like. Was kinda awesome. As was the jazz band playing in the middle of Union Square on the gorgeous Sunday afternoon :) So chilled.

That's where I'll leave it folks. When Brooke and I get more settled and such, we will add photos...hopefully :P Or at least when we have to empty our memory cards ;)


  1. Best man at Slash's wedding renewal?
    That is frickin' brilliant. Seriously.
    Have to say, pretty cool move on the part of the universe to give you that little tidbit in an effort to apologise for stuffing you about.
    So glad you made it there... finally!
    Looking forward to those photos when you have the chance but loving reading your posts.
    Love to you and Chook.

  2. Yay! Glad to hear you girls got there fine ^_^ Keep us posted, it is always enjoyable to read about other people's travels and wish I was there ;)

    All the best and much love,
